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Getting to know the Hague

Out with the old, In with the new.

Moving in

Moving in was easy enough, the first day I’d had to make do with whatever I had with me (which wasn’t much). However the very next day my washing machine, vacuum cleaner, bed and bedding and much more important my coffee machine would arrive. I never looked more forward to owning household appliances.

Time for work and fun!

I originally hail from Dordrecht, I thought it would be appropriate to celebrate my new home with a drink made in my home town, as I spent more than 30 years there.

If you ever find yourself in the Netherlands and especially in South Holland you should look out for ‘Rutte’ gin. Just like the current prime minister with the same name this drink is here to stay, for all the good reasons (unlike our prime minister).

Because my new home is rather small I was pretty much done moving by Friday and ready to settle in and explore the new city I will be calling home for a while!

The finishing touch

Lost but definitely not least Dot moved in with me. She celebrated her fourth birthday at her new home.

I couldn’t imagine any home to be my home if it wasn’t for that little cuddle bug!

Exploring the new town

M y new hometown of the Hague is home to much more. Arts, culture but above else there is music. Many of the more well known artist in the Netherlands found there start in the Hague. Golden Earring, Shocking Blue, Anouk spring to mind, but much more than that the bands playing in the local scene are great.  The Hague is home to a lot of ‘breeding grounds’ music venues and that shows when you are exploring the town. To familiarize myself with the local scenery I decided to check out “Sniester festival” a local paid festival with over 70 bands playing in the mere timespan of 2 days. One of the local bands I fell in love with during the festival were the ‘Wodan boys’ (named after the ‘Wodan jongens’ from the ‘Tegenpartij’). Their music will always be paired with my memory of 2022 and my new place, how fitting we do grocery shopping in the same super market!


Art in The Hague 

Art in The Hague 

Art in The Hague 

Art in the Hague 

Art in the Hague 

Art in the Hague 

The Hague Kunstmuseum

Muzee Scheveningen

The beach 

The beach 

The beach 

enjoying the sunshine in the Hague 

enjoying the sunshine in the Hague 

enjoying the sunshine in the Hague 

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Adventurer Extraordinair!

Welcome to my blog.
My name is Tamara, I work as a front-end developer for Recast Software. I live in the Hague the Netherlands.

This is a web blog about anything occupying my thoughts. Some posts will be in Dutch some will be in English. Most posts will be about photography, music and occasionally some other fun projects I am working on.

I hope you enjoy my ramblings, feel free to drop a comment or reach out to me.

Check out my 500 px account!