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Ik moet nu eerst even een gerestaureerde drol hebben!

What do I spy with my little eye?

You are probably wondering; “What is this website and why does the world need it?”.

In all honesty, I feel the same. Don’t try to find the answers on this page though, they REALLY aren’t here!

Also don’t forget, most of this website is going to be more pleasant on a desktop or, if you are so inclined, a tablet.

Whatever you do DON’T use your iPhone!

A small secret for you!

This website is powered by Nespresso

Yet George Clooney has not yet shown up.

My cat eats Sheba

Yet I don’t own a silk dress.

This website is powered by Nespresso

Yet George Clooney has not yet shown up.

Have you heard Ai is a thing

Yet here I am with a photo blog, please ignore that Instagram is a thing!


I am just really nostalgic.

Back when I started using the internet, I am a nineties kid, a lot of websites did not really have a point. Websites like GeoCities, Lycos Tripod, and CU2 were hosts to random ideas. Although I sometimes think;

S0Mm1gE dInG3n HoR3n Nu 1MaAl ThU1s In E3n AnD3r TiJdP3Rk…

I still really enjoy the process of thinking out loud, although social media are more associated with the rise of Web 2.0 for me the effort put into presenting yourself online was much more intensive back then.

Nowadays the internet seems to be way more regulated and everything has to fit a certain mold. This page does adhere to a lot of conventions that have developed over the years. A quote here or there spices up your website and breaks with the boring aspect, just be careful you are not quoting a bad person!

Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas.


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Adventurer Extraordinair!

Welcome to my blog.
My name is Tamara, I work as a front-end developer for Recast Software. I live in the Hague the Netherlands.

This is a web blog about anything occupying my thoughts. Some posts will be in Dutch some will be in English. Most posts will be about photography, music and occasionally some other fun projects I am working on.

I hope you enjoy my ramblings, feel free to drop a comment or reach out to me.

Check out my 500 px account!