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The beach of Scheveningen

The “Pier van Scheveningen” is iconic for the beach of Scheveningen and is a beach resort for people escaping the busy city life of the Hague. In past years the place always seemed like an echo of the past however this last year the place started to grow on me. It also provided with a perfect opportunity to practice my shots with a variable ND filter.

Aesthetic goals

Shooting with a ND filter my main goal was to capture motion from objects. The Ferris wheel located on the pier was a prime subject for experimenting. During the day I was limited to maximum shutter of 4 seconds because the weather was exceptionally bright. At sunset I could extend those to 10 seconds.

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Adventurer Extraordinair!

Welcome to my blog.
My name is Tamara, I work as a front-end developer for Recast Software. I live in the Hague the Netherlands.

This is a web blog about anything occupying my thoughts. Some posts will be in Dutch some will be in English. Most posts will be about photography, music and occasionally some other fun projects I am working on.

I hope you enjoy my ramblings, feel free to drop a comment or reach out to me.

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