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Like any other year 2023 started out with the promise of adventures to come. Whether it be the overgrowing team at Liquit and the lovely getaway I enjoyed with the development team at the Reeuwijkse Plassen or in my beautiful hometown of the Hague.

After enjoying the bonfires of Duindorp at the end of the western year I had the Chinese new years celebration to look forward to. A new years celebration is a great place to start so let’s start!

Chinese new year celebration
Chinese new year celebration
The year of the Rabit
The year of the Rabit
The year of the Rabit

Before moving to The Hague I always was curious about the New Years Celebration  by the Chinese community in The Hague.

Being a citizen of The Hague for over a year now I had no choice but to actually go and visit the Chinese New Years celebration. I had no idea what to expect, the website didn’t really help as well, but I had good hopes to figure it out. The main event I really signed up for was the Lion dance. Joined by my friend Sander I was ready to head out and make new memories.

De Reeuwijkse Plassen

In January I went for a weekend getaway with my colleagues at Liquit. It was a lovely getaway where anything and everything was discussed. It is a big perk on the job that we get to do things together. Can’t wait for the next one!

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Adventurer Extraordinair!

Welcome to my blog.
My name is Tamara, I work as a front-end developer for Recast Software. I live in the Hague the Netherlands.

This is a web blog about anything occupying my thoughts. Some posts will be in Dutch some will be in English. Most posts will be about photography, music and occasionally some other fun projects I am working on.

I hope you enjoy my ramblings, feel free to drop a comment or reach out to me.

Check out my 500 px account!